I am a licensed practitioner/coach in The Why of you Powered by PRINT®, a breakthrough model of human motivation and behavior that was developed by The Paul Hertz Group.
The approach is used to enhance understanding of the way people react and how they relate by explaining the “why” behind their behavior – why people act as they do, why they make certain choices, why they are attracted to certain things and why they function better in certain situations than others. Everyone has core motivations that drive their actions and behaviors. PRINT® reveals what these motivators are and in doing so, clarifies what is needed to bring out people’s best.
There are 72 PRINTS®, each with their own core motivations and behaviors. No PRINT® is better than any other and each possesses its own natural gifts and contributions (Best Self) and its own potential barriers and obstacles (Shadow). Every PRINT® exhibits Best Self and Shadow behavior. The goal of the Why of you program is to teach people how to diminish the frequency of Shadow behavior and increase the presence of Best Self.
I am certified to use and analyze the Paul Hertz Group’s PRINT® Survey, a 10-15 minute, statistically validated, highly accurate, and dynamic online instrument as part of my coaching process (dynamic meaning that different questions come up based on how previous ones were answered, so people take different surveys). This information helps me work in partnership with individuals to efficiently accomplish goals and generate strategies to yield desired results.
Knowing “why” accelerates successful growth and transformation. PRINT® provides this vital information.
The Print® illuminates what we need and has personal and work applications.
In our personal lives, it develops:
- our self-understanding,
- identifies and fortifies Best Self behaviors that bolster performance
- creates awareness and ownership of shadow behaviors that undermine performance
At work, it empowers leaders to:
- hire more effectively
- tap into people’s talents
- remove interpersonal barriers
- grow and develop leaders
Used as a workplace tool, it can enhance team building, promote healthy culture creation and diversity, and deliver communication excellence